MasterCeramicTM Inserts

Increase the lifetime of parts, fully protect rotors during the entire life of the part and decrease maintenance time with Standard Ceramic and MasterCeramicTM Inserts

Talk to a Steel Production Expert

FAR S.p.A. offers two types of wear resistant insert technology: Standard WRI and MasterCeramic

Our latest development in the war against wear. Designed for extreme duty wear resistance, our MasterCeramic™ Blow Bars increase wear protection for your toughest crushing applications

The Standard WRI (Wear Resistant Insert) is ideal for general working conditions, while MasterCeramic™ has increased wear life and durability. This added protection helps to minimize shutdowns, saves on maintenance hours, and increases equipment uptime.

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New Standard Wri

Standard WRI

General Working Conditions

  • Quality Ceramic
    Our quality inserts have increased  strength and durability to prevent wear from abrasive material.
  • Honeycomb Structure
    The ceramic pad is engineered to  create a chemical and structural bond within the molten steel.
  • Steel Grade
    Innovative, exclusive chemical composition and  heat treatment guarantees increased alloy durability as  compared to our competitors.


Heavy Duty Wear Applications

  • New Ceramic Particles
    The particles have a modified  shape to permit increased adhesion to the surrounding steel.
  • New Inlay Design
    The new design helps maintain wear  profile throughout the entire crushing campaign.
  • Increased Thickness

    The thickness of the inlay extends  a full 60% further than our standard design.